Read this if you want to share AI Made Simple/Tech Made Simple.
A lot of readers have asked for permission to share my articles. Here are the protocols
Hello my lovelies,
A lot of you have reached out to me for permission to share/distribute my articles in various forms. So I’m writing a guide for how you can do so, at no cost to you. That’s right, no matter what article you want to share, you may do so at no cost.
I also work for a rather small circulation printed foreign policy and affairs monthly and I would like to know if at least parts of AI Ethics has a clickbait problem can be shared (without costs for us)
-A recent message I received that inspired me to formally codify the sharing policies.
Based on the questions received I’ve noticed that there are a few different ways people want to share my articles-
Forwarding the Emails- Many of you are signed up for my email newsletter. The simplest way to share my articles is to simply forward the emails to whoever you think would benefit from them.
Sharing my original articles on social media- Don’t need to say much here. Link the article, share what was useful, and tag me. Y’all do this anyway, just putting it out here for completeness.
Copying bits from my articles on different platforms- Some of you have your own platforms, newsletters, and publications and you want to share quotations/chunks of my articles in your publication. You have permission to do so, as long as you provide proper attribution (link to my article).
Copying entire articles onto your platforms- Some of you have reached out and requested for permission to copy and paste entire articles onto your channels. Once again, you can do so with attribution. If you wish to copy entire articles and share them, please link to the original piece and include my social media/other content links so people can reach out to me.
Translating my articles into another language- Some of you have asked for permission to translate my articles into other languages and share them. You may do so, as long as you provide a link to the original work (and state clearly that it is the original source).
Shifting my articles into other mediums- Some of you are aspiring YouTubers and TikTokers. If you want to use my videos as a base for your work, please go right ahead. As with above, a simple acknowledgement and link are enough.
As a writer, it is always a pleasure when people share my work with others. I put a lot of work into the research, analysis, and synthesis of my work. Nothing would make me happier than you spreading the word of the chocolate milk cult <3.
If you have any other ideas on sharing please let me know. I look forward to hearing from y’all
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