Thank you for this fine review. Not to detract, and a bit late and picky, but I find the spelling of the author's last name with a 1n ending: Daniel Kahneman vs your Daniel Kahnemann
Thanks for writing this Devansh! Imo the purpose of education is to fine-tune these two systems of thinking with an emphasis on improving the second but there are many ways traditional education falls short.
We grow so soon old snd so late smart. Need to pay closer attention to AI and its underpinnings and encourage the younger folks in my influence circle to do the same. Particularly if AI is about where MS Word and Excel (or Visi Calc, Perfect Calc, Perfect Writer, etc.) were in 1980, or so. But, is it?
Your summary of an amazing book and your several reference links to articles/publications about logic and AI were very enlightening for me, and I thank you for the presentation.
My first full sentence was a metaphorical reference to relative age and matters not pursued at a much younger age.
I’m closing in on 80, and read widely and voraciously. At the same time I’m actively involved with jr. high, high school and college students in musical activities, most of whom are working out who they are, etc., and family members who are pursuing PhD’s, and beyond.
My intention is to share your articles as a light suggestion, and perhaps with a gentle nudge, with some of those younger folks with the hope that they at least take a peek. Perhaps they will look deeper.
Hoping you can see the relevance now. Again, thank you for sharing your poignant insights.
You're very kind thank you!. I'm glad my review of the book resonated with you (this was a struggle to write, and I was unsure of how it turned out). I hope my writing can evoke a desire in your students to learn about these ideas in more depth.
Thank you for this fine review. Not to detract, and a bit late and picky, but I find the spelling of the author's last name with a 1n ending: Daniel Kahneman vs your Daniel Kahnemann
Cheers, Leo
great catch, thank you. I need to do better w/ editing my work to catch these errors
Thanks for writing this Devansh! Imo the purpose of education is to fine-tune these two systems of thinking with an emphasis on improving the second but there are many ways traditional education falls short.
That's why we read philosphy
Great summary of an amazing book.
Glad you liked it
Fun fact! Claude can do both system 1 and 2 thinking.
Also, rip Daniel Kahneman
Wow! Thank you.
We grow so soon old snd so late smart. Need to pay closer attention to AI and its underpinnings and encourage the younger folks in my influence circle to do the same. Particularly if AI is about where MS Word and Excel (or Visi Calc, Perfect Calc, Perfect Writer, etc.) were in 1980, or so. But, is it?
Not sure I understand the relevance of this comment for this post
Your summary of an amazing book and your several reference links to articles/publications about logic and AI were very enlightening for me, and I thank you for the presentation.
My first full sentence was a metaphorical reference to relative age and matters not pursued at a much younger age.
I’m closing in on 80, and read widely and voraciously. At the same time I’m actively involved with jr. high, high school and college students in musical activities, most of whom are working out who they are, etc., and family members who are pursuing PhD’s, and beyond.
My intention is to share your articles as a light suggestion, and perhaps with a gentle nudge, with some of those younger folks with the hope that they at least take a peek. Perhaps they will look deeper.
Hoping you can see the relevance now. Again, thank you for sharing your poignant insights.
Ahh I see.
You're very kind thank you!. I'm glad my review of the book resonated with you (this was a struggle to write, and I was unsure of how it turned out). I hope my writing can evoke a desire in your students to learn about these ideas in more depth.
Me too.