Fascinating! Part of my Ph.D. thesis, specifically Chapter 2 Section 7 (https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1741975/FULLTEXT04.pdf) , attempted to provide a general framework for characterizing "smart materials." We referred to chaoticity as "coupled emergence" during our Ph.D. defense presentation, a term I plan to make more accessible online. This concept was one of seven distinct modules we identified as essential for a material to be classified as smart, and we successfully demonstrated their presence in our materials. Among those closely tied to your investigation are "negative feedback," which relates to "adaptive systems," along with modularity, emergence, reactive systems, and more. These criteria weren't arbitrarily chosen. We diligently explained their connection to basic forms of intelligence, supported by references, and experimentally validated their presence through voltage-current relations during material cycling. This materials included the first pi-conjugated polymers containing arsenic-carbon double bonds, showcasing sophisticated behavior previously uncharacterized in this broad category of materials (pi-conjugated and conductive polymers), thanks to the unique As=C and P=C group motifs that endow them with intriguing and augmented properties.

Our work, some published and some solely documented in my dissertation and presentation, broke new ground. I came to these realizations only after delving into computer science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, and various abstract domains of physics and mathematics, interestingly. This interdisciplinary approach enabled me to develop frameworks that identify complex organic materials as smart materials, moving beyond the conventional label of labeling any "reactive system" as a "smart material" to more stringent and tangible criteria.

As an intriguing note, complex reactive systems, like those of the olfactory or visual cortex, have been modeled as low-dimensional global chaotic attractors with multiple wings. This modeling approach hints at the fractal aspects you mentioned, and emphasizes that many sophisticated systems operate at the edge of chaos.

Great post.

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If you're open to it, would love to have a conversation with you to learn more about this. Sounds very interesting

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