Great piece, Devansh. We need more of this.

By the way, I noticed this strong dose of “we know better than you, so shut up and let us run the show” is also prevelant in the race/rhetoric around AGI.

“Trust us, we will safeguard it,” they say. Yet none of the behavior living up to it is giving us any confidence that the actual human beings (‘AI leaders’ they call them) currently in charge would do the right thing. Deceptive humans are what we truly have to worry about.

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Very true

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I had a conversation recently where I explained that everything we see today that you described in here existed before hand. AI is just making it easier. We like to blame AI but what blows my mind is how diabolical so many humans can act. It's like the human traficking happening across the US souther border where young women are exploited into sex slavery. WTF is wrong with us at a baseline level?

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We like to midirect attention to AI to hide our own demons

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